Title: First steps towards Self-Adaptive IDEs Speaker:Roberto Minelli Thu, August 21, 11:30am – 12:00pm Description Abstract: In this talk we present DFlow, an interaction profiler for the Pharo IDE. Our tool silently records how developers interact with UI elements of the IDE and how they manipulate source code. DFlow provides a catalogue of visualizations of the recorded development sessions. By means of the views we can tell development stories and characterize the behavior of developers. Our vision is to use interaction data on-the-fly to mold the shape of the IDE and improve the development experience. Bio: Roberto Minelli is a PhD student at the University of Lugano, Switzerland in the REVEAL research group, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michele Lanza. Slides http://www.slideshare.net/esug/first-steps-towards-selfadaptive-ides Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Vmh1l5-WI